Met S6000 - Metallurgical Microscope
The Met S6000 Metallurgical Microscope is a high quality, precision built microscope which is specially designed for metallurgical analysis. With a range of Plan Achromatic Objectives offering magnifications upto 1250x this microscope can be packaged to suit your requirements. With good optical system, Ingenious stand and convenient operation, it is a good choice for cost effective routine applications.
- Infinite Optical System. Range of Magnification with 4 Objectives
- Engonomic design for comfortable operation with low level controls.
- T Frame gives improved stability and reduce footprint size.
- Easy, Safe and Reliable Lamp Replacement Device
- Option for trinocular head.
- Standard magnifications x50, x100, x200 and x400
- Infinite Optical System
- Compensation Free Trinocular Head, Inclined at 30, Interpupillar distance: 48-75mm
- Eyepiece (Ocular) View Field Line 18mm
- Nosepiece Forward Quadruple Nosepiece
- Objective Infinite Plan Achromatic: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x
- Coaxial Coarse and Fine Focusing System, Sensitivity and Graduation of Fine Focus: .002mm
- Stage Double Layer Mechanical Stage, Area 150 x 140mm, Movement Range 75 x 50mm
- Lamp-House Halogen Lamp 6V20W