Buehler Minimet
The Buehler Minimet automatic metallurgical polishing system is ideal for low volume applications.
The parameters of time and load can be set into the polisher allowing grinding and polishing of samples using specific parameters to offer consistent polishing results.
Spectrographic offer a 3 month warranty with all used metallurgical preparation systems, microscopes and hardness testers. Long term support from a reliable testing supplies partner.
Operation of the polishing machine is very simple and can be carried out on hot and The Buehler minmet automatic metallurgical polishing system is ideal for low volume applications.
The parameters of time and load can be set into the polisher allowing grinding and polishing of samples using specific parameters to offer consistent polishing results.
Spectrographic offer a 3 month warranty with all used metallurgical preparation systems, microscopes and hardness testers. Long term support from a reliable partner.