Olympus Mplan 1.3 Objective


Refurbished Olympus 1.3 Objective
Very good condition. Used in Metallography taken from an Olympus BH /PME microscope. Very good condition 

  • Benefits:

    - High numerical aperture (NA) of 0.30, allowing for high-resolution imaging

    - Long working distance of 0.43mm, making it easy to manipulate samples and observe thick specimens

    - Large field of view, enabling the observation of larger areas of specimens

  • - Biological research: the MPLAN 1.3 objective is well-suited for observing biological samples such as cells, tissues, and small organisms

    - Materials science: this objective can be used to observe the microstructure of materials such as metals, ceramics, and polymers

    - Semiconductor inspection: the MPLAN 1.3 objective is useful for inspecting and imaging semiconductor wafers and chips

  • - Excellent optical performance, resulting in high-quality images with good contrast and resolution

    - Durable construction, allowing for long-term use without degradation of image quality

    - Compatibility with a wide range of Olympus PME microscope systems, making it a versatile tool for research and industry applications

  • Overall, the Olympus MPLAN 1.3 objective is a high-quality, versatile objective lens that can be used for a variety of applications in biological research, materials science, and semiconductor inspection. Its high numerical aperture, long working distance, and large field of view make it a valuable tool for researchers and professionals in a variety of fields.

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