iWorks Metallurgical Software iEX


iWorks measure is a comprehensive metallurgical software suit offer analysis and reporting to international specifications. The computer base material testing analysis system is integrated with a high resolution scientific grade microscope camera and includes the following modules.

 Full installation and training available on request.

  • iWorks microscope measuring software is a comprehensive metallurgical software suit offering analysis and reporting to international specifications. The computer base material testing analysis system is integrated with a high resolution scientific grade microscope camera and includes the following modules.

    The iworks software application suit includes Grain Size analysis, weld penetration, microscope measurement and annotation with calibrations stored allowing ease of use.

    • Time lapse capture and movie file production
    • Save (save as) in multiple image file formats - JPG, JPEG,TIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, XIF
    • Image type convert
    • Image geometry- rotate, flip, resize, translate
    • Zoom control - 100% to 1000% and fit to window options
    • Annotation - line, rectangle, circle and text box
    • Image editing: undo, redo, duplicate, crop
    • Multiple window configuration options
    • Manual measurement tools
    • Manual calibration
    • Profile edit
    • Scale marker
    • Live measurement and overlay settings
    • Dynamic user interface
    • USB-Port for Hardware Key
  • CPU Intel® Core i5, Intel® core i7, Intel® Xeon 
    RAM / Hard disk / DVD drive 4 GB or more (8 GB recommended)/2.4 GB or more free space/DVD+R DL compatible 
    OS*10 Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) , Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Pro, Windows 7 (64-bit) Professional with SP1 
    .NET Framework Version 4.6.2 or higher 
    Graphic card*11 1280 × 1024 monitor resolution with 32-bit video card 
    Web browser Windows Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, or 11

  • iWorks EX Microscope Imaging and Measuring Software iWorks EX is the basic package for the professional microscope imaging and analysis software iWorks series. Its functions are included in all versions of iWorks software. With iWorks EX, you can easily capture images, time lapse or record video, process image and measure objects. Compatible with wide variety of devices iWorks series software works with different brands of microscope camera via WDM or TWAIN driver. Imaging Device Configuration Time Lapse Capture iWorks series software works with different brands of microscope camera via WDM or TWAIN driver. Time lapse Basic Image Processing Image Type convert: Gray, RGB, CMYK, HSI, HSV, HLS, YUV, YIQ, YCbCr, Luv, Lab. (8bit, 12bit, float) Image Geometry: Rotate (90, 180, 270 degree), Vertical/ Horizontal Flip, Mirror, Resize Basic Image Processing Tool Manual Calibration and Basic Measurement Tools Calibration manager: manual calibration Scale Marker Measurement Tools: Point, Distance, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, Angle, Continuous Perpendicular, Centre to centre Live Measure Basic measurement tools Microscope measuring software Annotation and Property Setting ​ Annotation: Line, Rectangle, Circle, Text box, Calibration Marker Property: Font, Font size, Text colour, Text align, Line colour, Line weight, Line style, Fill colour

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